Designed by Kelly Jonathan, a world-renowned young artist from Six Nations. Influenced by his heritage, his creative ability is expressed through his paintings and sculptures. These rugs feature bound and serged edges, non-skid back and anti-bacterial backing. Developed for classrooms.
Measures 2.5 m x 3.5 m (8'5" x 11'8")
Ojibway tradition tells us that there were Seven Grandfathers, who where given the responsibility by the Creator to watch over the Earth’s people. They sent their Osh-ka-bay-wis (helper) to the Earth to walk among the people and bring them a person who could be taught how to live in harmony with Creation. A baby boy was chosen by the Osh-ka-bay-wis to bring to the wise Seven Grandfathers who would teach this child the significance of the four sacred directions and how one was to live a good life. Each Grandfather gave the child a gift that would enable him to live a good life- provided he instructed his people the right way to use each gift- for each gift has an opposite. The Gifts of the Seven Grandfathers are Nbwaakaawin:
To cherish knowledge is to know WISDOM, Zaagidwin: To know LOVE is to know PEACE, Mnaadendiwin: To honour all of Creation is to have RESPECT, Aakde’win: BRAVERY is to face the foe with integrity, Gwekwaadziwin: HONESTY in facing a situation is to be brave, Dbandendizwin: HUMILITY is to know yourself as a sacred part of Creation and Debwewin: TRUTH is to know all these things. – EddieBenton-Benai,Midewewin, Mishomis Book,1988.
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