Blue-Bot TacTile Reader Starter Kit

SKU: 525-00147
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Start programming with Blue-Bot® in a tactile way. 

With the TacTiles students can build up a linear sequence of instructions, then press go and the Blue-Bot runs the program. 

With the unique TacTiles on the reader:

  • children can program without any memory load 
  • students can see the instructions in sequence, to debug their program.

With images reflecting common programming languages like Scratch Jr., tactiles are perfect transition to screen based coding. 

Connect up to 3 readers together for thirty steps.


  • 1 x TacTile Reader
  • 1 x Blue-Bot®
  • 25 x Standard TacTiles.

Starter Kit includes a rechargeable Reader and 25 Standard TacTiles.

Ages 4+

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